
Delight in the Flavors of Traditional Brigadeiros Brazilian Fudge Balls – An Irresistible and Delectable Delicacy from Brazil.

Who can resist the sweet, chocolatey goodness of Brigadeiros? These traditional Brazilian fudge balls are always a hit at parties and gatherings. Made with simple ingredients that are usually available in your pantry, Brigadeiros are a beloved treat that can be enjoyed anytime.

The first step in creating Brigadeiros is to gather your ingredients. You’ll need sweetened condensed milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, butter, and chocolate sprinkles for coating. This classic recipe is based on Eduardo’s traditional Brigadeiro recipe, but feel free to get creative and add different flavors or swaps to make it your own. There are endless variations to explore!

To make Brigadeiros, start by combining the sweetened condensed milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, and butter in a saucepan. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly with a spatula, until it thickens and starts to pull away from the sides of the pan. This usually takes about 10-15 minutes.

Once the Brigadeiro mixture is ready, remove it from the heat and let it cool for a few minutes. During this time, you can prepare your rolling station by pouring the chocolate sprinkles into a small bowl. With your hands slightly greased, take small portions of the mixture and roll them into bite-sized balls. Then, gently roll the balls in the chocolate sprinkles until they are fully coated.

After the Brigadeiros are coated, they are ready to be enjoyed! You can eat them right away or store them in an airtight container at room temperature. These sweet, chocolatey fudge balls are perfect for any occasion and can be a decadent treat or a homemade gift for a special someone. The total calorie count per Brigadeiro will vary based on the size and the coating options, but remember to indulge in moderation.

So, the next time you’re craving a delicious Brazilian treat, try making Brigadeiros at home. It’s a fun and simple dessert that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Whether you love them plain, with coconut flakes, or rolled in fruit truffles, there’s a Brigadeiro flavor for everyone to enjoy. Visit our website for more Brigadeiro recipes, tips, and facts. Get ready to dive into the world of Brigadeiros – a sweet and delightful bite of Brazil!

Nutrition Facts per serving

Brigadeiros are incredibly delicious Brazilian sweets that are made from a traditional fudge recipe. They are usually rolled into small balls and can be found in many different flavors, based on the ingredients used.

Each serving of traditional brigadeiros contains about 65 calories. These chocolatey treats are made with sweetened condensed milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, and butter. You can create variations of the recipe by adding nuts, coconut, or other flavored ingredients.

Here is the nutrition breakdown per serving:

Calories Total Fat Saturated Fat Cholesterol Sodium Total Carbohydrate Sugars Protein
65 3.5g 2g 10mg 25mg 8g 6g 1g

These nutrition facts are approximate and may vary based on any additional ingredients or variations you choose to make. Always make sure to check the labels of the specific ingredients you use for accurate nutritional information.

Brigadeiros can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. If you love these fudge balls and want to keep them longer, you can store them in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, or freeze them for up to three months.

Now that you know the nutrition facts of brigadeiros, you can enjoy this traditional Brazilian dessert without any guilt. They are a sweet treat that’s hard to resist!

Brigadeiro: A Delicious Brazilian Treat

Brigadeiro is a traditional Brazilian dessert that has been enjoyed for generations. These sweet fudge balls are usually made with simple ingredients that you most likely already have at home, such as condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and sugar. They are incredibly easy to make and are the perfect treat for parties or just as a small, chocolatey indulgence.

The Origins of Brigadeiro

The origins of Brigadeiro can be traced back to the 1940s when it was first created by a Brazilian confectioner named Eduardo Gomes. Originally known as “brigadier,” it was later renamed to Brigadeiro in honor of Gomes’ rank as a brigadeiro (brigadier general) in the Brazilian Air Force. Since then, Brigadeiros have become a beloved part of Brazilian food culture.

Traditional Recipe and Variations

The traditional Brigadeiro recipe involves cooking condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and sugar together until it thickens into a fudge-like consistency. The mixture is then rolled into small bite-sized balls and coated in chocolate sprinkles. However, there are many variations and flavors available. Some popular options include coconut, nuts, fruit-flavored brigadeiros, and even truffles.

If you’re on a diet or have dietary restrictions, there are also swaps and variations that can be made to suit your needs. For example, you can use sugar alternatives or swap the cocoa powder for carob powder for a different flavor. The possibilities for Brigadeiro variations are endless, and you can get creative with the ingredients you have on hand.

Serving and Storing Brigadeiros

Once your Brigadeiros are ready, they can be served immediately, at room temperature, or chilled in the refrigerator. They can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week, but let’s be honest, they rarely last that long! Just be sure to keep them in a cool, dry place to maintain their freshness.

FAQs: Brigadeiros

Q: What is the nutrition per serving?

A: The nutrition content of Brigadeiros can vary depending on the recipe and variations used. It’s best to check the specific nutritional information based on the ingredients and quantities you’ve used.

Q: Are there any other options for coating the Brigadeiros?

A: While chocolate sprinkles are the traditional coating for Brigadeiros, you can get creative and use other toppings such as shredded coconut, chopped nuts, or even a dusting of cocoa powder.

Q: Can Brigadeiros be made in advance for parties?

A: Absolutely! Brigadeiros can be made in advance and stored in an airtight container until ready to serve. They are a great make-ahead dessert option for parties and gatherings.

Brigadeiros are a beloved Brazilian treat that is sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. Whether you prefer the traditional recipe or a variation with different flavors and coatings, Brigadeiros are a simple and delicious dessert that will have you coming back for more.

Brigadeiro Recipe Brazilian Chocolate Truffles


  • 1 can (14 ounces) of sweetened condensed milk
  • 4 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • Chocolate sprinkles, nuts, or other coatings of your choice for rolling


  1. In a medium-sized saucepan, combine the sweetened condensed milk, cocoa powder, and butter.
  2. Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir the mixture constantly with a spatula or wooden spoon.
  3. Cook the mixture for about 10-15 minutes, or until it thickens and starts to pull away from the sides of the pan.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the mixture cool to room temperature.
  5. Once the mixture has cooled, grease your hands with butter and roll small bite-sized balls of the mixture. If the mixture is too sticky, you can refrigerate it for a few minutes to make it easier to handle.
  6. Roll the brigadeiros in chocolate sprinkles, nuts, or other coatings of your choice, pressing gently to ensure they stick to the balls.
  7. Place the brigadeiros on a plate or tray lined with parchment paper and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to set.
  8. Once set, the brigadeiros are ready to be enjoyed! Serve them at parties, as a sweet snack, or as a delicious treat for yourself.

Variations and Tips

There are many variations of brigadeiros that you can make to suit your taste. Here are a few ideas:

  • Add nuts, such as chopped peanuts, almonds, or hazelnuts, to the mixture for a crunchy texture.
  • Swap out the cocoa powder for fruit purees, such as strawberry or passion fruit, to create different flavor profiles.
  • Instead of rolling the brigadeiros in chocolate sprinkles, try using shredded coconut, crushed cookies, or colored sugar for a unique twist.

Brigadeiros are an incredibly versatile and easy-to-make treat that can be enjoyed by all. Whether you’re making them for a special occasion or just to satisfy your sweet tooth, these Brazilian chocolate truffles will always be a hit!

For more brigadeiro recipes and variations, visit our site.

Photos of Brigadeiro

Here are some mouthwatering photos of brigadeiros to showcase the deliciousness of this traditional Brazilian treat:

1. Classic Brigadeiro

Classic Brigadeiro

The classic brigadeiro is usually made with sweetened condensed milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, butter, and chocolate sprinkles for coating. This chocolatey delight is rolled into bite-sized balls and makes for a perfect dessert at parties or as a sweet treat at home.

2. Brigadeiro Balls with Coconut Coating

Brigadeiro Balls with Coconut Coating

A variation of the classic brigadeiro, these brigadeiro balls are rolled in shredded coconut instead of chocolate sprinkles. The coconut adds a tropical flavor to the sweet fudge balls and creates a beautiful contrast in texture.

3. Mini Brigadeiro Truffles

Mini Brigadeiro Truffles

If you love bite-sized treats, then these mini brigadeiro truffles are perfect for you. They are made using the same ingredients as the classic brigadeiro but are rolled into even smaller balls. These mini truffles are great for snacking or as party favors.

These photos of brigadeiros will give you a visual representation of what this traditional Brazilian dessert looks like. Whether you prefer the classic version, the coconut-coated variation, or the mini truffle option, brigadeiros are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Different coating options for your Brazilian Chocolate Dessert

When it comes to making Brigadeiros, there are lots of different options for coating these delicious Brazilian chocolate fudge balls. Whether you prefer a classic chocolatey coating or want to get creative with different flavors and textures, there are plenty of choices to suit your taste.

If you want to stick to the traditional recipe, you can roll your Brigadeiros in chocolate sprinkles or unsweetened cocoa powder. These options add a touch of sweetness and enhance the fudgy flavor of the dessert. Alternatively, you can try rolling them in chopped nuts like peanuts or almonds for added crunch and nutty flavor.

If you’re looking for something a little different, you can experiment with different types of chocolate. Try using white chocolate or dark chocolate chips to create a new twist on this classic treat. You can also add a pop of color by rolling your Brigadeiros in colored sprinkles or colored sugar.

If you love fruit, there are also options available for you. You can roll your Brigadeiros in dried fruit like coconut flakes or chopped dried cranberries for a tropical or tangy flavor. You can even dip them in melted chocolate and then roll them in crushed freeze-dried strawberries or raspberries for a fruity and chocolatey combination.

For those watching their calorie intake or following a specific diet, there are healthier coating options available. Instead of using sugary ingredients, you can roll your Brigadeiros in crushed nuts, such as almonds or walnuts, for a protein-packed and nutrient-rich treat. You can also use shredded coconut for a slightly sweet and tropical twist.

Another fun idea is to make mini Brigadeiros and serve them on a stick. You can dip them in melted chocolate and then roll them in sprinkles or chopped nuts to create bite-sized chocolate truffles. These mini treats are perfect for parties or as a sweet gift for friends and family.

No matter which coating option you choose, Brigadeiros are sure to be a hit. They are easy to make, require just a few simple ingredients, and can be customized to your preference. Whether you stick to the traditional chocolatey coating or try out these creative swaps, Brigadeiros are a delicious Brazilian treat that everyone will love.

Check out our recipe page for step-by-step directions on how to make Brigadeiros and try out these different coating options. Don’t forget to share your photos on social media and tag us! We’d love to see what other tasty variations you come up with.

Brigadeiros Brazilian Chocolate Dessert Truffles

Brigadeiros are traditional Brazilian sweets that are loved by those who visit Brazil. These small fudge balls are incredibly delicious and simple to make. The basic ingredients for brigadeiros include condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and chocolate sprinkles for coating. However, there are also many variations and flavor options available, such as coconut, nuts, fruit, and cake flavored brigadeiros.

To make brigadeiros, you will need to thicken the condensed milk with cocoa powder and butter. You will then cook the mixture until it reaches a fudge-like consistency. After it has cooled down, you can roll it into small balls and coat them with chocolate sprinkles. Brigadeiros can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature and will usually last for about a week.

When making brigadeiros, Eduardo believes that the ingredients used can make a big difference in flavor and texture. For example, using unsweetened cocoa powder will result in a rich and dark chocolate flavor, while sweetened cocoa powder will provide a sweeter taste. Eduardo also suggests using good quality chocolate sprinkles for the coating, as they add a nice crunch and color to the brigadeiros.

Nutrition and Calorie Swaps

Brigadeiros are a sweet treat that is high in calories and sugar. However, there are some options for making them slightly healthier. For example, you can use a sugar substitute instead of regular sugar in the recipe. You can also experiment with different coatings for the brigadeiros, such as chopped nuts or unsweetened coconut flakes, to add some nutrition and reduce the amount of sugar.

Other Variations and Flavors

In addition to the traditional brigadeiros, there are many other delicious variations and flavors to try. Some popular options include fruit brigadeiros, which are made with fruit puree or juice instead of cocoa powder, and cake flavored brigadeiros, which are made with cake mix and sprinkles. These variations can be a fun twist on the classic brigadeiro recipe and are sure to be a hit at any gathering or party.

If you’re ready to make brigadeiros, visit our site for step-by-step directions and photos of the process. You won’t believe how simple it is to make these tasty Brazilian chocolate dessert truffles. Enjoy!


What is a brigadeiro?

Brigadeiro is a traditional Brazilian sweet treat made from condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and chocolate sprinkles. It has a rich, fudgy texture and is often shaped into small balls.

What are the ingredients for brigadeiros?

The ingredients for brigadeiros include condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and chocolate sprinkles. These are the basic ingredients, but there are also variations that use different flavors and toppings.

Can I use something other than condensed milk in brigadeiros?

Condensed milk is a key ingredient in brigadeiros and gives them their sweet and fudgy texture. While you can try substituting it with other sweetened condensed milk alternatives, it may alter the taste and consistency of the final product.

What are some variations of brigadeiros?

There are many variations of brigadeiros that you can try. Some popular options include fruit-flavored brigadeiros using fruit puree or extract, adding nuts or shredded coconut for texture, or even using white chocolate instead of cocoa powder for a different flavor profile.

How do I make brigadeiros?

To make brigadeiros, you first combine condensed milk, cocoa powder, and butter in a saucepan and cook it over medium heat, stirring constantly until it thickens. Then, you remove it from the heat and let it cool before shaping it into small balls. Finally, you roll the balls in chocolate sprinkles or other desired coatings.

What is a brigadeiro?

Brigadeiro is a traditional Brazilian sweet treat made of condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and chocolate sprinkles. It’s usually shaped into small balls and rolled in sprinkles before being served.

How do you make brigadeiros?

To make brigadeiros, you’ll need condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter, and chocolate sprinkles. Start by combining the condensed milk, cocoa powder, and butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens and starts to pull away from the sides of the pan. Remove from heat and let it cool. Once cool, grease your hands with butter and roll the mixture into small balls. Finally, roll the balls in chocolate sprinkles to coat them.

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